
Supervisor's Office

Ada Township Supervisor: Tom Korth

The position of Supervisor in Ada Township is an elected position. The duties of the Supervisor include (but are not limited to):

  1. Serves as the townships legal representative
  2. Sets board agendas with the Township Manager.
  3. Is a member of the Township Board and serves as chairman on that body.
  4. Carries out tasks directed by Township Board
  5. Appoints members of:
    1. Planning Commission
    2. Zoning Board of Appeals
    3. Downtown Development Authority (DDA)
    4. Parks, Recreation, and Land Preservation Advisory Board (PRLP)
    5. Compensation Commission
    6. Trail Committee

In addition, Tom serves as a member of the following:

  • Administrative Committee
  • Personnel Committee
  • Public Safety Committee
  • Building, Grounds, and Utility Committee
  • Election Commission


The Ada Township Supervisor is a voting member of the seven-person Township Board. The board's responsibilities include policymaking, general township business decisions, and zoning-related issues as required by the Ordinance.

Freedom of Information Act

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a Michigan statute which gives the public the right to documents regarding the affairs of government, public officials, and public employees. Under the Act, a person has the right to inspect, copy or receive copies of "public records" of a "public body."

Requests for public records that are governed by FOIA must be made by written request to Township Manager and FOIA Coordinator, Julius Suchy. There are charges associated with requests for information. For a listing of current charges, please click here.

To download a copy of the FOIA Request Form, please click here. Contact Township Manager Julius Suchy with any questions via email or by calling (616) 676-9191, ext. 7348.