Boards & Commissions
Ada Township Board
The Ada Township Board encourages attendance at all Township Board and Commission meetings. All regular and special meetings of the township board must be open to the public according to Michigan’s Open Meetings Act (Public Act 267 of 1976, MCL 15.261). Ada Township publishes meeting Agendas at least 24 hours’ prior to Board/Commission Meetings. Draft minutes of every meeting are available for public inspection within eight business days of the meeting, and have been posted to this website for your convenience.
The Board must contain 7 elected Township officials as members. The Supervisor is chairperson of the Board meetings, and in his absence, the Clerk opens the meeting and the members present select a Chairperson. Interested applicants, click here to download a Boards/Commissions Application form.
Township Board Members:
- Ross Leisman, Township Supervisor
- Kevin Moran, Township Treasurer
- Jo DeMarco, Township Clerk
- Dan Carter, Trustee
- Robert Proos, Trustee
- Erin Damstra, Trustee
- Dan Hurwitz, Trustee
Downtown Development Authority (DDA)
The Downtown Development Authority (DDA) was created in coordination with Ada Township, and has the authority and capability to develop, finance, own and operate a variety of public improvements and programs intended to improve and enhance the Village of Ada Township.
The DDA is governed by the DDA Board which is appointed by the Township Supervisor, with approval by the Township Board. A majority of the Board must be property owners or business owners in the DDA district.
For information about the Ada Downtown Development Authority, please click here.
Ethics Board
The Ethics Board, comprised of five voting members, is responsible for receiving formal complaints, investigating alleged Standards of Conduct violations, and issuing recommendations or advisory opinions as is appropriate to the complaint and/or situation.
To view the Ethics Board Standards of Conduct, click here. To file a complaint, please download this form.
Ethics Board Members:
- Carol Secord, Chair
- Mary Oele
- Brian Schiffelbein
- Julie Smith
- Rick Ott
Open Space
The Township Board has enacted an Open Space Preservation Ordinance to establish a structure and process for acquiring open space lands. The Ordinance established a 9-member Advisory Board to oversee the program and make land acquisition recommendations to the Township Board. The Advisory Board has adopted Rules of Procedure that establish detailed procedures and criteria for acquiring open space lands.
For information about the Ada Open Space Advisory Board, please click here.
Planning Commission
Planning Commissioners:
- Angela Butterfield
- Rob VanderVennen, Chairperson
- James Moyer
- Steve Kluting
Zoning Board of Appeals
Board Members:
- Jason McNamara, Chairperson
- Bruce Courtade
- Harvey Nuttall